Supertember 2023 Day 5- X-Men: First Class

Part I: Intro

The X-Men movies started as a trend setter for superhero movies only to become a parody of itself. Origins Wolverine was supposed to start a series of spin offs but it bombed at the box office. The franchise needed a do over if 20th century Fox wanted to keep the rights to the X-Men brand. Their answer was to reboot the franchise. That way they could start again and go with their plan to make some origin stories. Matthew Vaughn became the new director. He brought in a unique voice for the franchise by setting  it in the 1960s. First Class is a far better prequel than Origins: Wolverine. It shows Magneto and Xavier in their younger years as the X-Men first formed. It managed to revitalize interest in the franchise.

Part II: Plot Synopsis

 The movie opens in Auschwitz with a young Erik Leshner being separated from his mother. A Nazi scientist named Dr Schmit took interest in Erik’s power. He coerced Erik to activate his magnetic powers. The death of his mother activated his power. Erik vowed vengeance on the people who arranged his capture. A young Charles Xavier met a young girl named Raven who has the power to shape shift. He adopted her as his sister. As college graduate, Xavier chose to study mutations for his thesis and was slater recruited by the CIA to stop Scmit. Scmit took the name of Sebastian Shaw aka The Black King. He plans to launch the Cuban Missile Crises to start a nuclear war to create a Mutant utopia. Erik and Charles’s paths crossed. They became friends and formed their own band of mutants.

 Raven started to form a bond with Hank McCoy aka Beast. They attempt to find a cure for their mutations but Erik has a different idea. He later adopts the name Magneto and convinces Raven to accept her mutation. Charles tries to dissuade Magneto from going down the path of vengeance. Magneto chose to stay with the X-Men for now and helped Charles recruit more mutants to the team. Sebastian Shaw and his crew attacked the X-Mansion which caused Xavier and Magneto to launch a counterattack. Raven took the name of Mystique and chose to not take the cure. Beast tried to take the cure but it furthered his mutation. Erik kills Shaw and decided that all of humanity must pay. Shaw’s remaining crew joined Magneto and Mystique left Charles as well. Charles and Magneto became enemies while they formed their differing factions of mutants.     

Part III: A New Start

 Unlike Origins: Wolverine, the film has its heart in the right place. Taking place in the 1960s was a good idea. It calls back to when the first X-Men comic was released. There is also a symbolic reason for taking place at that time. The Cold War gives a logical explanation for the mutations. Nuclear radiation has increased the rate of mutation. The symbolic reason is how it reflects the conflict between humans and mutants. Both species are locked in a state of deterrence that is on the brink of war. It is also a perfect setting for the beginning of Professor X and Magneto’s conflict. The end of one Cold War started another.

 I was impressed by the character writing for Magneto and Professor X. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender were perfectly cast as the younger versions of their characters. Xavier is good-natured and wants people to co-exist. The movie doesn’t shy away from some of his flaws though. He can be brash and there are times when he was insensitive to his stepsister Mystique. Mystique leaving him was his own fault. Mystique’s choice to go with Magneto made sense since he was the first to accept her appearance unconditionally.

 Magneto is still the same vengeful person as his older counterpart. An interesting thing about him is how his rage has always been present. His friendship with Xavier was still gripping to watch. With Xavier, he has a chance to find the path of redemption. Deep down, he wants peace but his path of vengeance caused him to accept Shaw’s ideology. Shaw thought that mutants are the superior race hence his previous occupation as a Nazi. It admittingly muddies the water of what mutants represent. Mutants are meant to represent the marginalized while Shaw used his powers to show his superior. Magneto kills him but then becomes like him as symbolized by the helmet. 

Part IV: Conclusion

 First Class succeeded in its balancing act. It managed to act as a prequel while setting the stage for a new direction for the franchise. The character writing is gripping. The acting was phenomenal. It can be difficult to prefer Ian McKellen or Michael Fassbender as Magneto. I haven’t seen this movie since it first came out. I am glad that it still holds up. Tomorrow’s review will be back in the original timeline with The Wolverine.  

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